Bill Williams Library



About the Bill Williams Library


In addition to the John Rylands University Library's excellent Judaica Collection, which comprises a vast collection of books, manuscripts and archive materials relating to Jewish and Near Eastern Studies, the Centre possesses a dedicated Modern Jewish Studies library known as the Bill Williams Library, which contains around 2500 volumes.

The contents of the library are available as a draft catalogue (PDF). Please note: Some items in our catalogue are theses submitted to the University; permission may need to be sought for access to these documents. If you would like access to a thesis, please contact us.

The library formally opened on 28 September 2006. The opening event included a paper given by Tony Kushner, a version of which was published in Melilah.

The collection comprises mostly modern Anglo-Jewish history and is largely based on Bill Williams' personal research library but also includes materials from local synagogues and personal donations.

Membership, Access, and Opening Hours


The library is open to students and members of the public. The library is currently a reference-only collection.

Please contact us by email if you would like to use the collection.