Sherman Lectures & Conversations in Jewish Studies

An annual series of public lectures at the University and one community lecture, established in 1987 by the Sherman Trusts and M&S.

2025 Prof Philip Alexander on ‘Moses Gaster (1856-1939) - Scholar, Collector, Rabbi, Activist: His Scholarly Legacy and his Place in Jewish History’ (Community Lecture)

2024 ‘Encountering Others, Encountering Ourselves’: Reflexivity and the Jewish Studies Researcher (Sherman Conversation)

2023 Prof Hava Tirosh-Samuelson on “Judaism and Climate Change: Religious Responses to the Eco-Crisis” (Community Lecture)

2022 Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz on "The Jewel in the Crown of Anglo-Jewry? A History of Limmud" (Community Lecture)

2021 George Brooke on "Questioning Qumran: Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls" (Community Lecture)

2020 Miri Freud-Kandel on "Spades and Shovels: Louis Jacobs, Northern Grit, and the Reshaping of British Jewry" (Community Lecture)

2019 Judith Olszowy–Schlanger on “How Hebrew Books survive” (Community Lecture)

2018 Asaf Siniver on "25 years of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: Reasons for Failure and Prospects for Success"  (Community Lecture)

2017 Gender and Jewish Studies (Sherman Conversation)

2017 Abigail Green on "A Century of Jewish Liberalism: 1848-1948" (Community Lecture)

2016 Yulia Egorova on "Jewish-Muslim Relations in the UK: History, Experience, Context" (Community Lecture only)

2015 Amy-Jill Levine on "Jesus, Judaism and Christianity: Old Prejudices and New Possibilities"

2014 Miri Rubin on "Thinking about Jews in Medieval Europe: Explorations with Text, Images and Sounds"

2013 Derek Penslar on "What is Israel Studies?"

2012 Philip Alexander on "The Messianic Idea within Judaism"

2011 Martin Goodman on "Toleration within Judaism"

2010 Bernard Jackson on "Halakah, Inheritance and the 'Heritage of Israel'"

2009 Sander Gilman on "Confronting the Present in the Past: German Jewish Exiles in London 1933-1950"

2008 Melissa Raphael-Levine on "A Post-Holocaust Theology of Jewish Art"

2007 Gadi Ben-Ezer on "Ethiopian Jews Encounter Israel: Social, Psychological and Cultural Perspectives of the Immigrant and Refugee in Society"

2006 Ada Rapoport-Albert on "Women in Jewish Mysticism"

2005 Barry Kosmin on "Rethinking the Jewish World in the 21st Century"

2004 Daniel Sperber on "The Modern Study of Halakhah"

2003 Fred Rosner on "Jewish Medical Ethics in the 21st Century"

2002 Tony Kushner on "Refugees Then and Now"

2001 Norman Solomon on "Torah from Heaven" 

2000 Judith Plaskow on "Contextualising Sex": summaries

1999 David Patterson on "The Religious Dimension in Modern Hebrew Literature": abstracts

1998 Bernard Wasserstein on "The Jerusalem Question in International Diplomacy 1798-1998": abstracts

1997 David Sorkin on "The Berlin Haskalah and German Religious Thought: Orphans of Knowledge"

1996 Bill Williams on "Voices of the Jewish Past"

1995 Paul Mendes-Flohr on Rosenzweig and Kafka

1992 Zvi Werblowsky

1990 Lionel Kochan on "The Jewish Renaissance and Some of Its Discontents"

1989 Jonathan Sacks on "Crisis and Covenant: Jewish Thought After the Holocaust"

1987 Emil Fackenheim on "The Jew of Today and the Jewish Bible"

1987 Geoffrey Wigoder on "Christian-Jewish Relations"