
Contributor notes



The editorial board of Melilah invites submissions for its 2017 volume, for which the theme is ‘Gender in Jewish Studies’. The intention is to focus on the development and application of method and theory over the last four decades, and to interrogate what difference gender-sensitive approaches have made in all areas of Jewish Studies including, but not limited to, textual, archival, material, ethnographic, and historical studies. Interested authors are encouraged to contact the guest editor,, in advance. For inclusion in the 2017 volume, papers should be submitted by 31 July 2017. Papers submitted after that date may be considered for publication in a future volume. All papers will be subject to peer-review before acceptance for publication. Suggested word-length: between 3000 and 10,000 words.



For this journal there are no article processing or submission charges. All author(s) hold the copyright and retain the publishing rights for their articles without restrictions.


Articles should be sent as a Word documents (either PC or Mac) to, or as hard-copies by post to:


Centre for Jewish Studies

Dept. of Religions and Theology

University of Manchester

Oxford Road


M13 9PL, UK

All articles submitted undergo full peer review. While the editors reserve the right to commission reader reports, authors are most welcome to suggest in their cover letter the names of appropriate experts as potential readers.



Author details, abstract and bibliography

Please provide your preferred name, title and position, the name of your department and institution, and your email and postal addresses. Please also include at the start of the article a 150-200 word abstract, and at the end of the article a bibliographic list of all works cited in the article.


Please conform as closely as possible to the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) for footnotes and bibliographic entries. See the Chicago online guide's examples for books, articles, chapters, websites, etc.

Typographical Conventions

1. Footnote markers follow commas, periods, colons and semi-colons.

2. End quote-marks follow commas and periods but precede colons, semi-colons, question marks and exclamation points (unless these belong with the quoted matter).
3. Scare quotes are shown as double quote-marks, and follow the same rules as for quote-marks. Note the CMS manual's warning: “like any such device, scare quotes lose their force and irritate readers if overused.”
4. Please avoid the use of contractions like can't and don't.

Non-Latin scripts

For single terms and short phrases in Hebrew/Yiddish or Greek, contributors are requested to use non-technical / phonetic transliterations, followed by the non-Latin script in brackets. The term or phrase should also be translated into English, unless their meaning is explained in the surrounding text. Example 1: “nefesh (נפש, ‘soul’)”. Example 2: “the sitre-akhre (סיטרא-אחרא), literally “the other side,” i.e. the dark forces or demons.”


Please follow RSV and Danby for Biblical and Rabbinic abbreviations.

Old Testament

Gen. Genesis
Lev. Leviticus
Num. Numbers
Deut. Deuteronomy
Josh. Joshua
Judg. Judges
Ruth Ruth
1 Sam. 1 Samuel
2 Sam. 2 Samuel
1 Kings 1 Kings
2 Kings 2 Kings
1 Chron. 1 Chronicles
2 Chron. 2 Chronicles
Ezra Ezra
Neh. Nehemia
Esther Esther
Job Job
Ps. Psalms
Prov. Proverbs
Eccles. Ecclesiastes
Song. Song of Solomon
Is. Isaiah
Jer. Jeremiah
Lam. Lamentations
Ezek. Ezekiel
Dan. Daniel
Hos.. Hosea
Joel Joel
Amos Amos
Obad. Obadiah
Jon. Jonah
Mic. Micah
Nahum Nahum
Hab. Habakkuk
Zeph. Zephaniah
Hag. Haggai
Zech. Zechariah
Ma. Malachi

New Testament

Mt. Matthew
Mk. Mark
Lk. Luke
Jn. John
Acts. Acts of the Apostles
Rom. Romans
1 Cor. 1 Corinthians
2 Cor. 2 Corinthians
Gal. Galatians
Eph. Ephesians
Phil. Philippians
Col. Colossians
1 Thess 1 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 2 Thessalonians
1 Tim. 1 Timothy
2 Tim 2 Timothy
Tit. Titus
Philem Philemon
Heb Hebrews
Jas. James
1 Pet 1 Peter
2 Pet 2 Peter
1 Jn. 1 John
2 Jn 2 John
3 Jn. 3 John
Jude Jude
Rev. Revelation

Tannaitic and Amoraic citations

A. Zar.
Abodah Zarah
Arak. Arakhin
B. B. Baba Bathra
Bekh. Bekhoroth
Ber. Berakhoth
Betz. Betzah (or ‘Yom Tob’)
Bikk. Bikkurin
B. K. Baba Kamma
B. M. Baba Metzia
Dem. Demai
Eduy. Eduyoth
Erub. Erubin
Gitt. Gittin
Hag. Hagigah
Hall. Hallah
Hor. Horayoth
Hull. Hullin
Kel Kelim
Ker. Kerithoth
Ket. Ketuboth
Kidd. Kiddushin
Kil. Kilaim
Kinn. Kinnim
Maas. Maaseroth
Makk. Makkoth
Maksh. Makshirin
Meg. Megillah
Meil. Meilah
Men. Menahoth
Midd. Middoth
Mikw. Mikwaoth
M. Kat. Moed Katan
M. Sh. Maaser Sheni

Neg. Negaim
Ned. Nedarim
Nidd. Niddah
Ohol. Oholoth
Orl. Orlah
Par. Parah
Peah Peah
Pes. Pesahim
R. Sh. Rosh ha-Shanah
Sanh. Sanhedrin
Shab. Shabbath
Shebi. Shebith
Shebu. Shebuoth
Shek. Shekalim
Sot. Sotah
Sukk. Sukkah
Taan. Taanith
Teb. Y. Tebul Yom
Tam. Tamid
Tem. Temurah
Ter. Terumoth
Toh. Tohoroth
Uktz. Uktzin
Yad. Yadaim
Yeb. Yebamoth
Yom. Yoma
Zab. Zabim
Zeb. Zebahim