Call for papers

Holocaust Studies. Jean-Marc Dreyfus is on the scientific committee for the conference 'The spoliation of musical instruments in Europe 1933-1945'. 7, 8 and 9 April 2022 - Philharmonie de Paris. This conference can be seen as part of the ongoing studies of despoiled cultural property (by way of seizures, looting, forced sales, etc.). A great deal of work has been carried out in various institutions, including museums, on despoiled works of art, and more recently on despoiled books. The Philharmonie de Paris and more particularly the Musée de la Musique and its Conservation & Research team, wish to play their part in research on looting in the musical field: provenance research, market and circulation of musical instruments, stakeholders and their networks, etc. Call for papers (English). Call for papers (French).


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Author's Foundation grant