Online essay, WritersMosaic project
Jewish Multiculturalism. CJS honorary research fellow Dr Rachel Lichtenstein (MMU) has contributed towards the Royal Literary Fund's WritersMosaic project, in a special edition titled 'Jewish Multiculturalism'. Her essay and recording tell the story of activist Beatty Orwell, the oldest surviving witness to the Battle of Cable Street. To read and listen online, see further information.
Conference paper, CBL
Dead Sea Scrolls. Prof George Brooke will speak in Leuven at The Colloquium Biblivum Lovaniense on 'Performing Scripture in the Scrolls from Qumran and in the New Testament.' 3 August 2022. Further information.
Funding, Screen & Talk Jewish Studies
Holocaust Studies. Congratulations to Cathy Gelbin and Katja Stuerzenhofecker who have been awarded £740 of funding by the Manchester Jean Monet Centre of Excellence towards the Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 event series Jews, Gay People and the Holocaust. This will comprise of a public film series, an expert panel discussion, and a Jewish community workshop. Further details will be published in due course.
Student Prize, BIAJS
Jewish studies. Congratulations to third-year student Andras Schweiczer (BA Theological Studies in Philosophy & Ethics) who has been awarded the British and Irish Association for Jewish Studies (BIAJS) Student Prize for a dissertation entitled 'Red, White, and Green: Three Aspects of the Debates on Zionism between 1897 and 1917' (supervisor: Alex Samely).
Screen & Talk, Film discussion
Film Studies. Cathy Gelbin and Katja Stuerzenhofecker co-organized the online streaming and panel discussion of The Brasch Family (Germany 2018) on 13 June 2022. A recording of the discussion with the film’s director and international experts is now available. Watch on YouTube.
Podcast, Sherman Lecture 2021
Jewish Studies. The 2021 Sherman Community Lecture by Prof George Brooke (University of Manchester) is now available to view online. The lecture entitled "Questioning Qumran: Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls" was on 9 Dec 2021. Further information.
Conference paper, British Sociological Association
Jewish Studies. Katja Stuerzenhofecker will give a paper entitled "Traditional prayers, returning voices: Orthodox Jewish women and girls' singing in a public ritual under COVID-19" at the SocRel annual conference for which the theme is disruption, crisis and continuity in religion. 4-6 July 2022. Further information.
Screen and Talk
Jewish Studies. The Centre for Jewish Studies and the Department of Drama at Manchester University are pleased to announce that the next Screen & Talk event will be the streaming of ‘The Brasch Family’. Annekatrin Hendel’s documentary depicts three generations of the Braschs, a Jewish family whose first generation returned from exile from National Socialism to settle in East Germany. Whereas the first generation were ardent supporters of the German Democratic Republic, their three sons Thomas, Peter and Klaus – all of them artists – developed into critics of the system. Through interviews with surviving relatives, loved ones and friends, the film paints a social, political and cultural history of the GDR through the canvas of a family saga. The film will be available on the UKJF streaming platform from 9-13 June 2022. It is followed by an online live discussion panel on 13 June, 18.00 BST (British Summer Time). Register for the panel discussion in advance here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Further information.
Public Lecture, Oxford University
Jewish Studies. Philip Alexander will give a lecture to celebrate the launch of the book The Mishnaic Moment: Jewish Law among Jews and Christians in Early Modern Europe (2022). Exeter College, Oxford. 23 June 2022. Further information.
Launch of Rylands Jewish Manuscripts online catalogue and digital exhibition
Rylands Jewish Manuscripts online catalogue and digital exhibition. Join us at the John Rylands Research Institute and Library to celebrate the launch of the online catalogue and digital exhibition of the Library’s manuscripts in Hebrew script, signifying the culmination of a project which began in 1992.
Rylands Jewish Manuscripts online catalogue and digital exhibition. Join us at the John Rylands Research Institute and Library to celebrate the launch of the online catalogue and digital exhibition of the Library’s manuscripts in Hebrew script, signifying the culmination of a project which began in 1992. The John Rylands Research Institute and Library conserves one of the world’s treasured collections of Hebrew and Jewish manuscripts, archives and printed books. This rich and diverse collection draws a picture of Jewish life and its many aspects. Featuring Hebrew script in many languages – Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Persian, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Provencal, Judeo-German, and Judeo-Turkish, the texts spring from all over the Jewish world – Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, and even China. They range from magnificent illuminated Passover Haggadot to the only known manuscript copy of a 17th-18th century Purim play from southern France, composed in the local vernacular. 27 Jun 2022, 14:00 BST at The John Rylands Research Institute and Library. Free event, booking required through Eventbrite.
Podcast, Screen & Talk discussion
Jewish Studies. Cathy Gelbin and Katja Stuerzenhofecker co-organized the online streaming and panel discussion of The Commissar (Soviet Union 1967) on 7 April 2022 under the auspices of the Centre for Jewish Studies. A recording of the discussion with international experts is now available.
Jewish Studies. Cathy Gelbin and Katja Stuerzenhofecker co-organized the online streaming and panel discussion of The Commissar (Soviet Union 1967) on 7 April 2022 under the auspices of the Centre for Jewish Studies. A recording of the discussion with international experts is now available. Watch on YouTube.
Doctoral and ECR training workshop
For UK-based Jewish Studies research postgraduates. The Centre for Jewish Studies at Manchester University is pleased to announce the sixth doctoral and early career research training event of the Northern UK and Dublin Jewish Studies Partnership.
For UK-based Jewish Studies research postgraduates. The Centre for Jewish Studies at Manchester University is pleased to announce the sixth doctoral and early career research training event of the Northern UK and Dublin Jewish Studies Partnership. Advanced PhD students and post-doctoral researchers from Partnership institutions and other UK Universities can apply to participate in a range of online sessions taking place on 13-14 June 2022. Applications from outside the UK will be considered. The event will include sessions on interviewing for lectureships from an interviewer’s point of view, academics working in university/research administration, the role of research question/methodology in publications and funding applications, as well as current trends in the academic treatment of the Jewish Muslim Encounter and Filmic Representations of Jews in Post-1990s Europe. There will also be an event engaging with PGR/ECR researchers in Ukraine. Participants will be able to meet experienced staff for informal, one-to-one advice on any aspect of their research, career planning or publication priorities. For programme and further information, see
Register for this free event by submitting the online form by 20 May 2022.
New post: Language Tutor in Modern Hebrew (part time)
Language Experience for All Programme (LEAP). "You must possess near-native command of both Hebrew and English; demonstrate excellent language-teaching skills; and have an educational background appropriate to the delivery of the specified duties.
Language Experience for All Programme (LEAP). "You must possess near-native command of both Hebrew and English; demonstrate excellent language-teaching skills; and have an educational background appropriate to the delivery of the specified duties. Experience of teaching and assessing advanced Hebrew language skills at tertiary level, in person and online, are essential. Experience teaching in UK higher education and a track record in curriculum development are highly desirable..." Deadline: 13 May 2022. Further information.
Conference paper report, EABS
Biblical Studies. PhD student Sherry Ashworth was amongst those contributing to the EABS' Graduate Symposium in Prague, with a paper entitled 'It's complicated: The relationship between Esther and Mordecai in the Book of Esther, mediated by Charles Dickens' novel, Bleak House' (30 March 2022). She reports: "At the very end of March I presented a paper at the European Association of Biblical Studies’ Graduate Symposium. The Symposium is intended for PhD candidates who might not have presented before (like me!) and is a very supportive, while scholarly rigorous, event. It was fascinating to meet other biblical scholars from all over Europe, and as ever, I was impressed at how excellent everyone’s English is, and was keenly aware that many students were presenting in a second language. I was struck by the diversity of methodologies, given that the Bible is such a small text – it’s a bit like the Tardis in there! The conference organisers took us for a tour of Jewish Prague, led by the Jewish Museum director. This is an emotionally gruelling experience, as the devastation caused by the Holocaust is very immediate and tends to drown out the other aspects of Jewish history, such as the ancient cemetery with the grave of the Maharal of Prague, AKA Rabbi Loew, the inventor of the legend of the Golem. The tour ended with a visit to the beautiful Spanish Synagogue, which is used by the progressive Jewish community of Prague, and so plays host to bat mitzvahs, thus looking toward an egalitarian Jewish future in the city."
Conference, Paris
Holocaust studies. Jean-Marc Dreyfus was part of the scientific committee for a conference on 'The spoliation of musical instruments in Europe. 1933-1945'. Jennifer Verson (University of Warwick) presented a paper, "Musical Scores in the archives of the Jewish Museum of Prague". 7-9 April 2022. Further information.
Public lectures online, Jewish and Muslim studies
Jewish and Muslim Studies. CJS Hon. Research Fellow Michael Hilton announces the coming programme for the course 'Judaism and Islam: A shared history' that he is leading with Dr Harith Ramli. 10 May: 'Why we love Jerusalem.' Jewish and Muslim traditions and teachings about the holy city. 14 June: 'The Jewish Orientalists.' The little-known story of the leading Western scholars of, and enthusiasts for Islam, who came from Jewish backgrounds. This lecture, the culmination of the course, is the Rabbi Dr David J. Goldberg Memorial Lecture. On Zoom and in-person. Liberal Jewish Synagogue. Booking and further details from Debi Penhey.
Ehrhardt Seminar, Centre for Biblical Studies
Esther and Dickens. Sherry Ashworth, University of Manchester, ‘It's complicated: the relationship between Esther and Mordecai, mediated by Charles Dickens' Bleak House.’ 14:00 - 15:30 05 May 2022. The Centre for Biblical Studies weekly seminar series. Sessions will take place in a hybrid format - attendance is possible in person or online via Zoom. To register to attend online, please email
Seminars, Yad Vashem
Holocaust Education. Seminars available for Jewish educators at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 2022. Further information.
Online Conference
Jewish Studies. Moshe Behar opened the Edge Hill University conference 'Duel' Obligation? Palestine in the Mandate Years on 29 March 2022. A recording of the presentation can be found here.
New publication
Dead Sea Scrolls. Hon research fellow Helen R. Jacobus, "Science Fiction in the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Case of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Nephilim," in Fountains of Wisdom. In Conversation with James H. Charlesworth, eds. Gerbern S. Oegema, Henry W. Morisada, and Loren T. Stuckenbruck (London: T & T Clark, 2022), 455-466. She presented a paper of the same title at the Festschrift Conference for James Charlesworth, the McGill-Munich-Grinnell Conference on 40 Years of Pseudepigrapha Research, in Montreal, on April 3-5, 2022. Further information.